Host a Beanie Day

Host a Beanie Day

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Whether you’re part of a school, a work or sporting organisation, an individual looking to fundraise, or you’re just looking to make a donation, your help is welcomed and appreciated! Look through the sections below to find out the best way you can get involved, and thanks for helping us tackle brain cancer!

Step 1/

Pick a date

Pick a date during Beanie Month to host your beanie day. Or, you can choose anytime that suits you and your guests.

Step 2/

Register your Beanie Day Online

Click here to register your Beanie Day so we can stay in touch and help you make the most of your efforts.

Step 3/

Plan to Have Fun

Be creative, and use your imagination your Beanie Day Fundraising ideas are Limitless. Check out the handy Beanie Day Check List and some helpful Fundraising Tips to get the ball rolling.

Register your Beanie Day

Are you ready to register your Beanie Day and help us in the fight against brain cancer? Let’s get started!

Donate today & help beat brain cancer

Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in children, and adults aged under 40 in Australia, yet alarmingly very little is known about brain cancer, its causes or how it is treated.

That’s why we need your help. Every dollar helps in the fight against brain cancer. Your donation will go towards vital research to improve patient treatments and, hopefully, find a cure one day.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Donate today, help beat brain cancer

Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in children, and adults aged under 40 in Australia, yet alarmingly very little is known about brain cancer, its causes or how it is treated.

That’s why we need your help. Every dollar helps in the fight against brain cancer. Your donation will go towards vital research to improve patient treatments and, hopefully, find a cure one day.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

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