
All Stories

Read stories of those affected by Brain Cancer

EVERY ONE OF THE 2000 BRAIN CANCER PATIENTS DIAGNOSED EACH YEAR and those connected to our cause have a STORY

Some are difficult to read, some hard to even imagine, some are uplifting and some tragic – but every one of them is inspiring.

Here are just some of those stories that we hope can shed some light on how life changes when suddenly you are faced with your own mortality or that of someone you love. It is heartbreaking but it is real. The people in these stories inspire us to keep fighting to find a cure.

Team Barbarians run City 2 Surf in honour of John

John Ryan, our Dad, husband, brother, uncle and friend, is one of those people who never seems to worry about too

Ethan, Our King of Hearts

Our beautiful boy Ethan was funny, confident, strong and full of love for his family and friends who also enjoyed travel,

Liz’s Story

Hi, I’m Liz. I’m 37 years old, married to a spunky guy, mother to 3 beautiful children (6, 8, and 10) and

To Be Part Of Something – By Maddy Callander

Every year, my Mum and I take part in the Mother’s Day Classic. This is a 10km fun runaround Sydney’s CBD

Gary’s Story

On the 17th of May (grey month), Gary will reach 20 years of surviving, living with and fighting the beast within

DAD – A short documentary about Brain Cancer

Directed by Riley Eli Jones, the documentary follows three siblings navigating their father’s battle with brain cancer. Co-produced by Jones and


We would like to congratulate Biobanking and Clinical Research Manager, Cassandra Griffin (pictured), Professor Christine Paul and Dr James Lynam on


Ten years ago, amidst the rugged terrain of Papua New Guinea, an enduring friendship was forged between Australian Army soldier Matthew

Cassandra’s Story

From that first CT scan Cass’ life changed very quickly – she walked out of the CT into an unplanned MRI,

Volunteer Spotlight – Belinda Peden

I felt a strong need to try to give back to the Mark Hughes Foundation when one of my dearest friends

Jess’s Story

In December 2020, the future was looking bright with a new engagement & a baby girl on the way. Everything was

Kerry’s Story

My life prior 2018 was great, not a care in the world. I played golf seriously at my Club, Wantima Country

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If you would like to share your story publicly with us, please submit your story on the form. We will endeavour to get back to you to acknowledge your submission but please be advised not all stories may appear on our website. 

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