The greatest minds that are fighting the frontline battle against brain cancer will be brought together as the new Mark Hughes Foundation Centre for Brain Cancer Research at the University of Newcastle, is officially announced today – Monday, June 27.
An exciting step forward for brain cancer research in Australia, the Centre’s dedicated brain cancer team will drive critical research, education, and health care improvements at a national scale for brain cancer patients, their families and carers, and health professionals.
Marking the beginning of the sixth annual NRL Beanie for Brain Cancer Round, to be officially launched by the Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) at the Sydney Cricket Ground tomorrow, the new $25 million Centre builds on the existing partnership between MHF and the University of Newcastle, with MHF having now committed $15 million over five years to establish a dedicated research team and centre.
“This is a game changing step for brain cancer research in Australia and something we have been working towards since 2014. More progress is urgently needed to improve the outlook for brain cancer patients – who are often in the prime of their lives, like myself – and their families,” said Mark
“We already have incredible players with a track record in brain cancer research and the Centre will now help bring these players together as a team and together we’ll be kicking goals. We will leave no stone unturned, we must get results as the clock is ticking for so many Australians.”
You can learn more about the centre here.