From the oncologist

Dr James Lynam (BSc (Hons), MBBS, MRCP, FRACP) is the Clinical Director, Medical Oncology at Calvery Mater Hospital Newcastle and Senior Lecturer (University of Newcastle). He is the current Chair of the Clinical Cancer Research Network which introduces strategies and innovations to improve clinical trial conduct within Clinical Trial Units within the Hunter.

Many cancer patients and their families will recognise his smiling face and gentle nature. Dr Lynam sees the suffering that brain cancer causes on a daily basis and is determined to make a difference.

Dr James Lynam’s Story

My name is James Lynam and I am a Medical Oncologist specialising in treating patients with brain cancers with chemotherapy. Unfortunately, I see first hand the devastation that brain cancer causes to people and those around them. I have been supporting the Mark Hughes Foundation from the start and have seen the concrete benefits of what they are doing. They not only support research to improve the outcomes and life expectancy of patients with these horrible tumours but also invest in support services like the Mark Hughes Foundation Brain Cancer Care Nurses who have improved the management and care of my patients no end.

Donate today & help beat brain cancer

Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in children, and adults aged under 40 in Australia, yet alarmingly very little is known about brain cancer, its causes or how it is treated.

That’s why we need your help. Every dollar helps in the fight against brain cancer. Your donation will go towards vital research to improve patient treatments and, hopefully, find a cure one day.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Donate today, help beat brain cancer

Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in children, and adults aged under 40 in Australia, yet alarmingly very little is known about brain cancer, its causes or how it is treated.

That’s why we need your help. Every dollar helps in the fight against brain cancer. Your donation will go towards vital research to improve patient treatments and, hopefully, find a cure one day.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

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