Dave Hanna Golf Day and Benefit Night

On the 4th April the Dave Hanna Golf Day and Benefit Night will be held at the Muree Golf Club, Raymond Terrace.

Details of both the Golf Day and the Benefit Night can be found on the flyer below.

Get your tickets to these events by phoning Brearne Callaghan on ph: 0407454818.


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We have partnered with GiveGet to change the way you can donate to charity, giving you the opportunity to earn rewards for doing a little good.

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Ritchies Community Benefits

We would really appreciate all supporters who shop at Richies to please renominate MHF as your charity of choice.

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Return and Earn

You can help raise funds by donating your Return and Earn refund directly to the MHF.

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Charity Club Draw

ClubDraws partner with a variety of charities to offer exciting weekly raffles, giving you the chance to win a generous cash prizes.

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