My dad was diagnosed with Brain cancer in August 2017. Sadly he lost his battle 6 months later in February 2018. He was only 68.

The cruelty of this disease is unexplainable. Not only for the patient but for the entire family. Watching your dad change so quickly and not being able to help him is heartbreaking. Many days and nights we would sit there and watch as the tumors took over until the brain couldn’t cope anymore.
One of the toughest parts was knowing that dad was aware that it was happening. He went from a man who loved a chat and would talk to anyone to a man who was unable to put his thoughts into words. There is only so much the body and brain can take and unfortunately this cruel disease squeezes every last ounce of being from you.
It would be a beautiful day if the day ever came that there was a cure for brain cancer.
Written by Jacki Dymoke-Bradshaw (Wayne’s daughter)